Washer Repair Tips For Cleaner Clothes, Appliance Maintenance Costs And Lower Utility Bills

Have you ever wondered why our clothes aren’t clean after you use the best detergents and washers? This is mainly because of some bad habits that we cultivate over out laundry-washing lifetime. Some of the mistakes we commit when we use the washer include over-stuffing the machine, use excess soap, ignoring stains, and not taking time to wash delicate fabric separately. Here are some laundry tips that can help you achieve an efficient laundry process:

Soak those dirty satins Immediately

When you stain your clothes, you must deal with it immediately. If you let the stains dry, it will become extremely difficult to remove them. If your dress is stained, it is best to put them in a bucket of water and add a little detergent. This will make it easier for you remove the stains when you have time.

Learn Sorting

Most people separate their clothes based on their color or cloth sensitivity. This helps, but you should go a step further and separate the clothes based on the water temperature and fabric time. You could make 5 separate piles of clothes – whites, delicates, darks, stripped whites, and brights.

Avoid Over Stuffing

Most people over stuff their machine to save water and energy. You must avoid filling the machine with too much clothes as it can affect the efficiency of the machine and damage the clothes. If the machine is damaged, you may have to get washer repair near me service as soon as possible.

Add Detergent before Clothes

Before you add clothes to your washer and dryer, you must add detergent to water and allow the soap to dissolve in water. This will make the soap more effective and will reduce the chances of powdery residual on your favorite clothes.

Use the right measuring cup

In a recent survey, it was found that most liquid detergent cups are difficult to read which can lead to overdosing of detergent. This can make your clothes look dingy and even damage them. Make sure you use a good quality measuring cup that allows you read the levels. If you don’t plan to change the existing cup, you should at least mark a filling line on the cup using a permanent marker.

Add Boosters

Adding boosters such as borax and washing soda will help in boosting the performance of the detergent. It will also act as a water softener and whitener.

Use Cold Water

Recent reports have suggested that using hot water to clean clothes can increase the energy consumption of the washer by 900 percent. Also, using hot water compared to using cold water can make the colors bleed and damage the clothes.

Clean the Machine

Regular use of the home appliance can lead to the formation of soap scum in the tubes and pipes. To remove the scum from pipes, run an empty machine without any laundry. Adding white vinegar to water will be an added advantage.

Vacuum the Dryer

If you use a dryer, make sure you vacuum it at least once a week. This will reduce energy usage, prevent mildew formation, and reduce the risk of fire hazard. If there is a problem with the machine, it is best to get help from dryer repairman. Today, there are several service companies that have washing machine repair near me service tech, refrigerator technician, dishwasher repair technician, and dryer technician on their rolls. These technicians will visit your house to repair and service the household appliance.

Why Washing Machines Are A Miracle For So Many Women

It’s clear that women have made numerous advances over the years. The women of today are much better off than women were 100 years ago. With that said, when people are looking at the strides that women have made, they often overlook one thing: the washing machine.

It’s hard for the people of today to imagine what life was like for women without a washing machine. The women of the past had to wash clothing by hand. In addition to that, they were responsible for all of the laundry in a household.

In order to get laundry clean, women had to use harsh cleaning products, like lye. A lot of these products wound up causing damage to their skin. Some women suffered permanent injuries while carrying out this household chore.

Many of today’s women still have to handle all of the laundry in their household. However, because they can take care of everything with a washing machine, they can get through the laundry that they need to do in no time at all.

Washing machines have been nothing short of a godsend for women all over the world. The next time you look at your washing machine, you should think about how much washing machines have helped women.


The Best Washer And Dryer Maintenance Tips

washing machine loaded but openBuying a washer and dryer for your home is a relatively large purchase. Since the purchase can be expensive, it’s important to make sure that the washer and dryer last as long as possible. To extend the life of them, there are a few washer and dryer maintenance tips that you should use.

Every time you wash and dry a load of laundry, there are a few things that you should do. You should always check the lint trap and clean it out if there is lint. Once the load is out of the washer, leave the lid or door open to allow air to dry the inside. This will help to prevent mold. You should follow the instructions on how much detergent to use in your washer. Make sure that you are not overfilling either of the machines.

Every month you should look over the dryer duct to ensure there are no blockages or tears. Check over any hoses on the washer to ensure there are no leaks or cracks. If you have a front loading washer, you’ll need to clean the drain pump filter. This can be found by checking your owner’s manual.

Every three months, you’ll want to remove the lint filter and clean it. To do this, you’ll want to use soap and water. This will help to remove any invisible residue that can make air flow more difficult. Once a year, you should remove all of the duct work from your dryer and clean it out. A clogged duct can cause a fire in your home.

By using the washer and dryer maintenance tips you can help to extend the longevity of your machines. Regular maintenance can help to prevent machine failure that can result in costly repair or replacement purchases.

Washer Repair Tip: Choosing The Right Washer Temperature For Your Clothes

hot and cold mugs

Most people don’t realize the effect of water temperature on the outcome of clothes they clean in the washer. The effectiveness of your washer depends on three important factors – detergent used, wash cycle select, and the temperature of water. So, make sure you consider these factors when using the washer.

Best Water Temperature of Clothes

It is a known fact that the hotter the water, the higher will the cleaning potential of the household appliance. However, it may not be the most energy efficient way of cleaning your clothes. When using the washer, your goal should be select a temperature that your clothes can withstand without shirking, fading, or getting damaged.

Most people prefer using hot water because it sanitizes the clothes by killing germs better, removes the built-up of grime, kills dust mites, and dissolves the detergent more efficiently so your clothes look clean and bright. However, using hot water has its share of disadvantages. Some fabrics may shrink when exposed to hot water. Furthermore, it can stain the clothes, which cannot be removed easily.

So, what is the ideal water temperature for cleaning your clothes? Here is a quick guide to help you:

When you should use Cool Water

  1. Clothes washed in delicate cycle such as woolen, loose woven clothes, lingerie, and washable silk.
  2. When you wash delicate fabrics such as laces and antique fabric
  3. Any fabric that you think will bleed when washed in the house appliance
  4. Clothes that have protein strains such as dairy-based or blood stains
  5. Clothes that are exceptionally stained or dirty

When you should use Warm Water

  1. Cleaning dark colors
  2. Items that are moderately dirty or soiled
  3. When you select permanent-press cycle to clean your clothes

When you should use Hot Water

  1. When you clean bed sheets, bath towels, pillow covers, or any other bedding
  2. When you clean heavily soiled clothes
  3. Cloth diapers, dish rags, and kitchen towels must also be cleaned in hot water
  4. Clothes stained with oils or grease
  5. Sturdy fabrics such as white underwear and cotton t-shirts

So what should you do if you have only cold water?

You can use cold water for the rinse cycle. The temperature of cold water is usually below 75 degrees. Since the water is pretty chilly, it is not effective in dissolving laundry boosters and detergents. If you still want to use cold water during wash cycle, make sure you use ample amounts of detergents to clean the clothes. Also, you may have to prolong the duration of the wash cycle.

Not all water temperatures are equal

The effect of “warm” water setting is not going to be equal in front-loader and top-loader. Most top loaders don’t come with heaters and they use the home’s hot water heating system for hot water. So, if you have a heater that maxes out at 100 degrees, then that is the hottest water you can expect your residential appliance to use. On the other hand, if you have a front loader, it may have its own in-built heater that will ensure the maximum temperature is reached.

A Word of Caution

Avoid using water of extreme temperatures, as it can damage the home appliance. If the machine is damaged because you have used extremely hot or cold water, it is best to get help from an experienced company that offers Washing Machine Repair In Miami FL. Today, there are several reputed companies that specialize in dryer repair, oven repair, refrigerator repair, and washing machine repair. When there is a problem with the washer, the washer and dryer repair technician will visit your place to troubleshoot the problem. Likewise, the refrigerator repair services company will send a fridge repairman to your place if there is problem with machine. These technicians usually have years of experience in the field and can solve your problem in the shortest possible time.


What You Need To Know About Clothes Dryer Repair?

dryer repair tips
There are two main reasons to do dryer repair yourself, first to save money and second to learn more about appliance repair and know-how. Before starting a dryer repair project or any other type of home appliance repair, you must first take some safety precautions.

Safety Steps

Disconnect the power, by shutting off the electrical breaker switch or by unplugging the clothes dryer. An electrical shock from a small outlet is enough to kill a human being.

Regular Maintenance

If you appropriately and periodically maintain your laundry dryer, you will not only increase the lifespan of your dryer, but it will also run more efficiently, which will help to keep your monthly energy cost low. Regular maintenance will also help you to avoid costly dryer repairs and to prevent fires in your home.

If your dryer is making a loud noise, you should check to see if the legs are leveled, which could cause an imbalance. Always empty the lint filter after each time that you use your dryer to reduce the chances of a fire and to keep your dryer running efficiently.

Your dryer should always be vented outside of your home, and you need to have the exhaust vent system cleaned at a minimum of once per year, which will remove any obstructions such as clogs that could reduce the air flow. You should never overload your clothes dryer as this could damage the dryer motor.

Replacing A Dryer Component

The first thing you need to do is find the model number, which is typically located on the inside door frame of the dryer, but the dryer model number tag could also be on the back of the top console, depending on the manufacturer of your appliance. Once you have the model number, you can then look online or go to your local appliance parts store to find out the exact part number for the component that you will need to replace.